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Creating value in social dimensions of sustainable solutions

Monday, October 17, 4 p.m. in the MIT Media Lab

Pre-read is now available. See it here.

The Social Metrics workshop aims to 1) push the envelope on what is measured and who is considered in sustainable solution-building and 2) engage the complexities of measuring sustainability, including qualitative indicators of human well-being, diverse contexts and goals, and intersections across metrics. We’re expecting MCSC member company representatives as well as the broader MIT community to participate in cross-industry & cross-disciplinary conversations about broad metrics of sustainability that go beyond carbon.

This 90-minute workshop aims to brainstorm answers to the following questions: 1) What metrics of social impact allow us to benchmark and re-design equitable value chains from the ground up? and 2) How do we avoid failures in the deployment of technology in real-world settings? We’ll start with lightning talks on social metrics and spend much of the workshop time on an interactive exercise, in small groups, that involves identifying and applying social metrics to a given case study on social impacts within value chains.

If you have questions about ways to characterise sustainability that go beyond carbon and improve overall human well-being, this workshop is for you. We’re looking forward to thinking through social dimensions of sustainable solutions, frameworks for metrics that help measure and/or characterise social impact and differences across contexts and sustainability goals.

Tuesday, October 18, 9 a.m. in the MIT Media Lab
Following the discussions on October 17, the MCSC Annual symposium will be on October 18, and feature speakers from Apple, BBVA, Meta AI, World Bank, and more.

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