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Student Work: Scholars Program Projects

Students in the MCSC Climate & Sustainability Scholars Program had the opportunity to present their technical insights on their year-long research topics to academic peers and audiences of their choosing. In both oral and written deliverables, students communicated the significance of their research in various forms influenced by their chosen audience, including an investor pitch, a lesson for high school students, a scholarly article aimed at fellow researchers, an MITNews Op-Ed, and more. These deliverables are included for each student below, along with the research topic they spent the year exploring.

2022-2023 Cohort

Perceptions on Climate

Anushree Chaudhuri

Urban Studies and Planning Major

Topic: Community acceptance of renewable energy siting, permitting reform can streamline the process without sacrificing community rights

Einat Gavish

Mathematics Major

Topic: Ecodriving for signalized intersections

Paul Irvine

Electrical Engineering and Computer Science Major

Topic: Republican perspective on climate change

Shivani Konduru

Electrical Engineering and Computer Science Major

Topic: Perceptions of climate change and how the messenger changes outcomes


Trinity Stallins

Urban Studies and Planning Major

Topic: Understanding carbon release and accrual in coastal wetlands, focus on plant carbon

Dahlia Dry

Physics Major

Topic: In-field monitoring of water use of Raman spectroscopy in the field to collect water data


Delight Nweneka

Electrical Engineering and Computer Science Major

Topic: Alternative bioremediation through initiation and manipulation of enzymatic pollutant breakdown (molecular mechanism of alkane activation; metabolic process catalyzed by MAS, which functionalizes n-hexane)

Helena McDonald
Earth, Atmospheric and Planetary Sciences Major

Topic: Environmental impact of particulate emissions in space travel and link to policy limiting certain launch impacts

Predictive Modelling

Gosha Geogdzhayev

Physics Major

Topic: Extreme event projection using emulator-based global circulation models

Aviva Intveld

Earth, Atmospheric and Planetary Sciences Major

Topic: Paleoclimate and paleoecology restoration in northeastern Mexico based on Speleothems


Amelia Dogan

Urban Studies and Planning Major

Topic: Data sovereignty in indigenous populations and the role that data could play in enabling natural carbon sinks

Pamela Duke

Management Major

Topic: Use of simulation tools to empower decision-makers around climate change action


Claire Kim
Chemical Engineering Major

Topic: Iron use in redox flow batteries

Melissa Stok

Materials Science and Engineering Major

Topic: Solid polymer electrolyte development towards enabling lithium anodes

Jade Chongsathapornpong

Physics Major

Topic: Improving ionic and electronic conductivity in ceramics for SOFC, solid state and SOEC applications


Louise Anderfaas

Materials Science and Engineering Major

Topic: Use of ceramics in sensor materials to detect gamma radiation for nuclear and geothermal energy, where detection is through change in ionic conductivity

Grace Harrington

Civil and Environmental Engineering Major

Topic: Increasing efficiency in wind farms based on placement of turbines within a farm

Duha Syar
Chemical Engineering Major

Topic: Developing improved membranes for separation processes over distillation, optimizing for specific separations based on effective branching and functionalization


Rebecca Lizarde

Materials Science and Engineering Major

Topic: Methods to improve sheet steel recycling through reforming

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