Danny Ballou
Sustainability Analyst

How is your job related to climate and/or sustainability?
My position as a Sustainability Analyst with Verizon relates to all things “Green” for Verizon and expanding Verizon’s Sustainability program across all business units. Coordinating climate related employee engagement opportunities for fellow employees around the world, working with business partners and stakeholders on sustainable initiatives, and data collection and reporting for sustainability projects gives me the opportunity to work with all areas of the business.
What training (in higher education or at a company or organization) was particularly important to enabling your work?
Before Verizon, I interned for an energy company that specialized in solar and wind energy. I shadowed the Senior Project Manager to solar and wind sites and gained skills by learning firsthand all the necessary steps that go into managing each project. In my current role as a Sustainability Analyst, I use these skills and continue to build on them in my everyday tasks. While working for a telecommunications company is much different than working for an energy company, these core skills that I gained through my internship experience have remained constant.
What advice do you have for people looking for careers in climate and/or sustainability?
The advice that I would give to people looking for careers in the climate or sustainability industry would be to analyze their interests and strengths to figure out what area of the industry they are most passionate about and could have the greatest impact. Working in the sustainability industry has taught me that there are so many different paths, but finding your true passion within sustainability is key to having a successful and rewarding career that produces positive results.