Data & Machine Learning Workshop and Climate Implications of Computing Panel
Are you interested in applying your computer science, machine learning and data science skills to challenges around research problems in climate and sustainability science? Are you concerned about the growing impact of computing and communications on the Global Energy footprint? Join the MIT Climate and Sustainability Consortium (MCSC) for two events in October!
Monday, October 17, 4 p.m. in the MIT Media Lab
The MCSC is hosting a workshop to jumpstart solutions on open research problems in climate and sustainability science. This 90-minute event will feature collaborative discussions in small teams, and will focus on applying the latest techniques in machine learning to bridge data gaps and help catalyze solutions to large-scale sustainability challenges. Domain experts from MCSC member companies and MIT will join the event to discuss the broad array of interdisciplinary opportunities for data science and machine learning for positive impact in renewable energy, reuse in the built environment, materials design, and enhancing natural carbon sinks among others.
Tuesday, October 18, 9 a.m. in the MIT Media Lab
The MCSC Annual symposium will feature a panel session on the Climate Implications of Computing with speakers from Meta AI, Apple, and MIT.