Gaining Green Premiums from Decarbonizing the Built Environment: A Holistic Evaluation Approach for Low-Carbon Investments
Faculty Leads
Samuel Tak Lee Champion Professor of Urban and Real Estate Sustainability; MIT School of Architecture and Planning
Leading MCSC Seed Awards Projects: The costs and benefits of circularity in building construction (2022); Gaining green premiums from decarbonizing the built environment: A holistic evaluation approach for low-carbon investments (2024)
Society of Sloan Fellows Professor Professor, Applied Economics; MIT Sloan School of Management
Leading MCSC Seed Awards Projects: Improving additionality assessment in voluntary carbon markets (2024); Gaining green premiums from decarbonizing the built environment: A holistic evaluation approach for low-carbon investments (2024)
Supporting Researchers
Includes Chenhan Shao, doctoral student in the department of Urban Studies and Planning.
MCSC Impact Fellow