2022 End Of Year Recap
December 21, 2022

Anantha Chandrakasan, Dean of the School of Engineering and Vannevar Bush Professor of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science at MIT, addresses members at the 2022 MCSC Annual Symposium. Photograph by Christopher Harting.
As the MCSC begins its third year, we wanted to take some time to celebrate all the growth we’ve had in 2022.
In the last year, we have held workshops and symposiums, awarded grants, and welcomed new member companies, Impact Fellows, and students to our consortium. We launched a new website in August to better present and document the work we do in the sustainability and climate change sectors.
Amongst our new cohort of Impact Fellows, we’ve welcomed scientists with backgrounds in environmental policy and planning, physics, finance, and anthropology. We also began collaborations with new member companies including Prologis, BBVA, Liberty Mutual, and Vontier, who have enabled us to expand our initiatives into new industries.
The MCSC is especially proud of our collaborations, including those within MIT. In April, we held a workshop in collaboration with the MIT-IBM Watson AI Lab & MIT Schwarzman College of Computing. We also launched a new Scholars Program for undergraduate students to engage in research throughout the academic year while learning about climate and sustainability topics, building off our established UROP program.
Connecting business with science, we held our annual symposium in October to show all the work we’ve done not only as a consortium, but also through our inaugural seed grants, whose 20 recipients will receive a total of $5 million over two years in the first-ever 2022 MCSC Seed Awards program. The winning projects are led by principal investigators across all five of MIT’s schools.
We look forward to another year of collaboration, and thank all who have worked with us in 2022!
Vannevar Bush Professor of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science