MCSC Welcomes Dr. Jeremy Gregory as Executive Director
May 26, 2021
The MIT Climate & Sustainability Consortium (MCSC) is pleased to welcome Dr. Jeremy Gregory as its Executive Director. Jeremy will start his new role on June 2, 2021.
Jeremy brings extensive experience in working with industry partners and diverse stakeholders across the Institute. In his most recent role as Executive Director of the MIT Concrete Sustainability Hub, Jeremy worked directly with industry leaders; drew links between academia, industry, and government; helped define strategy; and coordinated research activities with external collaborators. Jeremy has also served as a Faculty Fellow within MIT’s Office of Sustainability since 2018. In this role, he has collaborated with administration, faculty, staff, and students across campus to conduct analyses to support decisions related to strategies for lowering MIT’s environmental footprint, and advised staff and research fellows. In addition, early in its development, he was the Education Coordinator for the MIT Portugal Program’s Engineering Design and Advanced Manufacturing Focus Area, where he built education and research activities between MIT, three Portuguese universities, and numerous Portuguese companies. Through the Materials Systems Lab, Jeremy also conducted climate and sustainability research aimed at quantifying the economic and environmental implications of engineering and system design decisions in the context of many products, industries, and partners.
The experience Jeremy brings to the MCSC will greatly benefit ongoing efforts to identify meaningful links and synergies between member companies and the MIT community, as well as among member companies themselves. As described in the recently-released Fast Forward: MIT’s Climate Action Plan for the Decade, “in fields from aerospace to artificial intelligence, personal devices to packaged foods, MCSC member companies are working with MIT researchers and each other to dramatically speed the creation, testing, and deployment of practical climate solutions within their production processes, supply chains, and service models.” Jeremy will continue to build upon his existing work with the Office of Sustainability so that the consortium can support the Institute’s commitment to achieve net-zero emissions by 2026, also stated in the Climate Action Plan. His background will also provide critical insight into how to best grow the activities surrounding the inaugural cohort of MCSC Impact Fellows, a group that will bridge education, industry, and research, as well as grow future action-oriented MCSC events and workshops.
Jeremy holds a Bachelor of Science (BS) in mechanical engineering from Montana State University, and a Master of Science (MS) and PhD in mechanical engineering from MIT. Please join us in congratulating Jeremy on this new role!